Letting go
What a simple phrase this is. So many times I’ve heard this term and have always found it something that you’d tell others to do but can’t do it yourself! It’s never easy no matter what the logic. Letting go of stuff, no problem. Letting go of ideas and thoughts, no worries. But letting go of your loved ones, nope! It’s heartbreaking no matter who it is. But especially gut wrenching if it’s your kids who are growing up faster than you want and are moving on with their life. Then letting go is the hardest thing you’ll ever do. Now that my firstborn is off to college, it seems like someone is pulling my heart out of my chest. I never thought I’d be the cool mom who drops off her kids to college because it’s good for them and their future. No illusions there! I knew I’d be a wreck. I’ve been losing sleep for past three years so I’m a pro. So many things will be out of my hand and there’s nothing I can do about it. How can I make things comfortable and safe? What kind of food w...